Raised by hip hop in the music and culture rich city of Detroit, Frank "Nitty" Bush is what happens when passion turns into profession.
I was very impressed by a concert years ago at the festival hip hop kemp with Guilty Simpson and Illa J.
Mad props to Frank and meanwhile we hope to see him in concert as soon as possible here in barcelona or in europe. Here his interview, enjoy.

Hello my name is…Frank Nitt
I was raised in…Detroit, Michigan
The reason that you’re reading about me is…I love making music!
Right now I’m working on…Promoting my latest project and a new mixtape for my label Digipop LLC
But I’d rather be…I wouldn't!
My most prized possessions are…Family and Friends
But I’d give it all away for…I wouldn't!
The first thing I do in the morning is… Wake and Bake!
The last thing I do at night is…Chief and sleep!
My momma always said…With hard work u can get what u want!
I love it when people… Are happy! it makes for less bullshit in the world.
I hate it when people… Don't do what they say they will.
If you ever see me walking down the street…Say "what up doe?"
My most notable run-in with the law… I dont have any notable run ins with the law...or do i want any..lol
If I had to say sorry it would be because… I was wrong.
I get real aggro when…The money aint right!
The last time I swore I’d never drink was after a night of…Winning $300 bucks from Dilla and Uncle Al in a champagne drinking contest!
Future projects and plans…Up next is my new album and book Stadium Music and The View From The Underground. due out June 5th on my label Digipop LLC.
And before I leave I’d like to give a shout out to…The whole world and especially the fine people at beatnotik for doing this interview.
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