Today we are presenting you canadian music producer wich had a pleasure to meet 2 years ago in Milano. I was amazed by the quality of his music and i loved it!
Hello my name is…Vangel
I was raised in…Toronto
The reason that you’re reading about me is…because I was stripped of my Gold Medal at the 72 Winter Olympics for doping. I'm a changed man now.
Right now I’m working on…my debut album called "Breadth Control", some remixes,
my quads, shoulders, and forearms (alternating days), and choking out Corporate America. I also just recently did a some guest mixes for Rhythm Incursions, MondayJazz, and Nomade Radio.
But I’d rather be…focussing on choking out Corporate America.
My most prized possessions are…bound to be stolen if I reveal them in an interview....hushhush said the willow tree. I cherish my socks. Come get em.
But I’d give it all away for…permanent status with a chair on a beach.
The first thing I do in the morning is…wake up. Anyone who says different is a liar.
The last thing I do at night is…fall asleep or pass out. You have choices in life. Diversity. I'm working on slowly changing my night routines; im at the point where I'm working towards taking sleeping more seriously that my waked life.
My momma always said…"figure it out for yourself."
I love it when people…are thoughtful, considerate, and polite. I also like it when people scream loud and say rad shit. Bonus points for swagger whilst screaming.
I hate it when people…try and convince me that some new lame mc is the next big thing, and that I should look deep for meaning in the dynamic syncopation and intricate wordplay, when its not there & the shit stinks and shouldn't even be called rapping.
If you ever see me walking down the street…it's because i haven't bought a car yet. Pick me up, I need rides.
My most notable run-in with the law…involves passports, eastern European detention centres, no shoes, and a soda.
If I had to say sorry it would be because…I purposefully bumped into you just to prove that you should keep your head up and look where you are going when walking on the sidewalk.... stoopid. When I say: "I'm sorry", I really mean, "you are an idiot". Unless, of course, I accidentally put too much salt in the soup; in which case, I really am sorry.
I get real aggro when…I think about skateboarding, metal, inequality, war, hate, playing drums, slamdancing, media, manipulation, coercion, puppet shows, and chocolate wafers. Aggro is like titillated, right?
The last time I swore I’d never drink was after a night of…drinking. I think thats how the saying goes. All the details are hazy; which seems to support my position too. I've never been the biggest drinker, cause drinking works me; hurtfully.
Future projects and plans…like i said I'm working on my debut LP Breadth Control, which should be out in the new year. I have a colloboration Remix with Raincoatman coming on split 7" at the end of this month. It's a remix of a 2ndClassCitizen song as part of the Equinox Records 25th Ltd Box Set (7", USB, Cassette tape). I did a Remix for Frederik Teige thats coming out in a Limited Edition floppy sleeve alongside the single on 5&1/4 Records in early Nov. Some other projects in mid-stride......In general, I plan to keep changing styles, and sideswiping the industry.
And before I leave I’d like to give a shout out to…BeatNotik & the girl in the yellow:
Close your eyes and enjoy his music:
Vangel Interview #3
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